Friday, June 11, 2010

Lava Juice

This tangle was created as a nod to our friends in Hawaii and to celebrate one of the finest trends of the last century: the lava lamp! Ever since I attended the Zentangle certification seminar, my eyes and brain seem to be more tuned into patterns.
I have finished my exercise of using EVERY one of the 102 original tangles. Now I'm feeling like I want to corral all the miscellaneous tangles into one place. Great. One more thing to collect. Let's see, there's been fabric, beads, paintbrushes, papers, threads, pens, pencils, fonts, now tangles. (I'm sure I've missed something on the list.)


  1. Whispering Aloha to you and toasting a cup of lava juice. We actually call it awa. It's made from the roots of a plant and it tastes, well like paste but it gives a nice tingle to the tongue. Love your tangle. Mahalo for sharing it with us.

  2. I love this tangle, Carole! It looks like a lot of fun to do. 'Can't wait to try it!

  3. Thank you for this lovely fun Tangle. I will add it to my collection of Tangle Steps that you are so kindly sharing.

  4. I just found this pattern by you...OMG!!! What a great one!!! I can't wait to try this out!!! You are one of the most talented people I have the pleasure to know!!!


  5. Kind of off the topic, but related. Several years ago, I developed a non-alcoholic drink called "Millie's Lava Lamp". (The olives actually act like the stuff in a lava lamp -- going up and down and up . .) If interested, go to Great drink when working on the Lava Juice tangle!

  6. Oops. It deleted the URL. in your browser, type:


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